Which Size Ceiling Fan do I need?

The bad news is, there is no simple rule. The good news is, you get more choice! Most fan models only come in one or two size options, so the more flexibility you have with size, the more models you will have to choose from.
Why is there no rule as to what size ceiling fan goes in a particular size room? Two simple reasons. Firstly, the size of a fan is not the only factor which determines how much air it moves. Other factors such as how powerful the motor is, how fast it spins, and the pitch, material and shape of the blade all affect how much air the fan will move. Secondly, fans do not cool the air, they cool the people who feel the breeze.
So, for example, if you have a large room and install a very large fan in the middle, but it is a fan which does not move a lot of air, and it is not placed above the area where people are, you are not going to have a very effective solution. Conversely, you might install a smaller but more powerful fan right above the area people are using, and you will undoubtedly have a better solution.
This doesn’t mean size isn’t important. Size is important for two reasons; firstly, aesthetics. You want a fan that will look balanced in the room size, not too big for the room, and not too small. The second reason is that although the length of the blades do not determine the amount of air moved (as a single factor), the longer the blade, the further the breeze will reach.
So now you are probably more confused than when you started, and asking yourself; where do I start when deciding on a ceiling fan size?!
The first step is to look at the area and determine your needs. In an average size bedroom, the most common placement is in the middle of the room. If this means the fan will be above the bed or at least half above it, any fan size that you think balances with the general size of the room will be suitable (always assuming the fan moves a decent amount of air). If the fan will be to the side of the bedroom, it is better to stick to the largest size you feel comfortable with for that space so you ensure you are covering a wider area, again keeping in mind that is it important to look at how powerful the fan is.
The same guide applies for other similar sized rooms, such as a study, playroom etc. Look at the placement and then you know how much flexibility you have. For a larger room such as a living or dining room, ideally you will place the fan above the area most used, for example the couches or the dining table. Again, the same guide applies – if placement is right above the area being used, you can use a standard size ceiling fan (52”), or go a bit smaller or larger if there is a particular fan model you like. If you are not able to place the fan above this area, you should limit your selection to a larger blade fan, and preferably a more powerful fan. So in a large room where you use two different areas, if it is possible, it is much better to have a standard size fan above each area compared to one large fan in the middle of the two areas.
The standard ceiling fan size is about 52″, however there are small ceiling fans and large ceiling fans available to suit any sized room. There are several styles available to suit your needs including our modern ceiling fan range, our tropical ceiling fan range, as well as a range of traditional ceiling fans to compliment older styled homes.
Knowing which fans are more powerful can be difficult, if possible, speak to trained sales staff and look at reviews online such as Choice magazine reviews and other customer reviews.
Just remember that there are many great fan options available today for all budgets. So you will be sure to find something you like which suits your needs and you area.